Remote Work: Yes or No?

There is much debate at present about the efficacy of remote work. Amidst the pace of technological advancement and shifting work paradigms, organisations grapple with new modes of operation. Some management teams, entrenched in traditional frameworks, may find solace in ordering their workforces back to the office to cut any perceived inefficiencies. This viewpoint often overlooks the limitations imposed by geographical confines and rigid office hours.

In contrast, well-managed smaller teams such as Muli are reaping the benefits of the remote environment, painting a very different picture. By hiring responsible individuals and nurturing a culture of creativity, urgency, and innovation, we continue to thrive. Remote working, in our context, isn't merely a concession to modern times; it's a strategic choice that leverages the talents of a diverse workforce and capitalises on the freedoms afforded by modern tools and technology. The ensuing sections will uncover how we've embraced this philosophy since 2016, pioneering a path filled with limitless potential.

2016: The Pioneering Step

In 2016, Muli chose a path less travelled: going fully remote. We recognised the potential to cultivate innovation by breaking geographical boundaries. By doing so, we opened doors to international talent and limitless creativity.

Muli's remote working model means we can hire the brightest minds, regardless of location. We've forged a team that brings diverse perspectives, sparking ideas that resonate globally. We do maintain an office for essential face-to-face client meetings, but our real workspace is wherever our team finds inspiration.

Now, after seven years of fine-tuning our remote working processes and weathering an entire pandemic, we've come to realise that even our office may be superfluous. So far in 2023, all of our client meetings have been conducted via phone or video call, with the only face-to-face encounters happening over coffee, lunch, or dinner. It's true that human relationships are better moulded in person, but forming connections and accomplishing work are two distinct concepts.

If we shed our preconceived notions of an office-based client services firm and concentrate on crafting each part of the business to its utmost potential, a new vision emerges. In-person meetings held at pleasant cafés and restaurants become the backdrop for forging relationships, while our actual work is carried out in environments most conducive to focus and creativity. The Muli way isn't just about remote working; it's about embracing flexibility and recognising that excellence isn't confined to a traditional office space.

Our Tools: Where Efficiency Meets Excellence

  • Jira: This isn't just a project management tool; it's where we plan, track, and deliver our client's work.

  • Google Suite and Google Chat: Collaboration is seamless. Whether it's a shared document or a quick chat, communication flows effortlessly.

  • Google Meet: We've transformed virtual meetings into productive collaboration sessions, making distance irrelevant.

  • Daily and Monthly Rituals: The Heartbeat of Muli

  • Daily Standups: Every day we discuss our progress, challenges, and plans. It's not just an update; it's a daily alignment with our goals.

  • Bi-Weekly Knowledge Transfer: Sharing insights and learning together. It's our commitment to continuous growth.

  • Monthly One-on-Ones with Me: I personally connect with every team member, ensuring that individual growth and satisfaction are always prioritised.

  • Regular Performance Reviews: Recognising achievements, identifying opportunities, and setting new goals. It's how we foster individual excellence.

Innovation Through Balance: The Art of Creativity

At Muli, we value time with family, weekend getaways, and personal growth. Remote working means less time on the road and more time for what matters. It's not just about convenience; it's about nurturing a positive lifestyle that leads to greater creativity and well-being.

Innovation isn't accidental; it's cultivated. By finding the right balance between work and life, we allow our team to dream big and think creatively. We know that fresh thinking is born from a positive environment that encourages exploration and reflection.

We've also learned that success requires both focus and urgency on top of the creativity. Inspired thinking comes from new perspectives, but new ideas need to be carefully nurtured, tested and executed with determination and speed. It's a delicate dance that we are mastering, turning visionary concepts into tangible products.

Continuous Growth: A Commitment to Excellence

Remote work isn't merely a convenience for us at Muli; it's a strategic choice that enhances our upskilling journey. From design sprints to business process automation, we've discovered that the freedom and flexibility of remote working enable our team to learn, adapt, and innovate without the constraints of traditional office walls.

Being fully remote since 2016 has given us the agility to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape. We've learnt to embrace the best tools and processes that not only facilitate our daily work but encourage continuous learning and development. Virtual training sessions and daily online collaboration turn homes into learning hubs and foster creativity beyond geographical limits.

Our success in becoming a leading digital product design agency isn't merely tied to our skills but to our ability to continuously enhance them from anywhere in the world. Remote working isn't an afterthought; it's a core part of our growth strategy. By merging the best aspects of flexibility, creativity, and continuous learning, we are redefining what it means to work in the digital age.

The Muli way is about harnessing the advantages of remote work to fuel a never-ending quest for excellence. It's about understanding that where we work doesn't define us, but how we grow, innovate, and deliver results does. By intertwining remote work and upskilling, we're not just keeping pace with the industry; we're setting the standards.

The Bigger Picture: Remote Work as a Strategy

Our remote working model isn't just a convenience; it's a strategic choice that empowers us to perform without constraints. It enables us to stay agile, adapt to changing market demands, and always put our best foot forward.

Muli's remote working journey since 2016 is a testament to what's possible when you combine vision, creativity, and practical wisdom. It's more than a way of working; it's a way of thinking that shapes everything we do.

Join us on this exciting path, as we continue to push boundaries, embrace innovation, and deliver unparalleled value to our clients. We're Muli, and we're shaping the future, one digital solution at a time.